Sunday, November 25, 2012

One (seemingly) Simple Project.....So many layers!

I can't believe it's been a month since my last post!  It seems that I've spent the time just trying to make sense of everything that needs to be done, decisions to be made, and purchasing the items that the Mr. needs to either cut a place for or install so he can finish up one of his many projects.  Oh, and there's always office work demanding my attention!  Soooo....I don't have much to show for my time!  That's ok.  (this has become somewhat of a mantra for me.  Everyday there's a new roadblock, hurdle, change of direction, or error to deal with.  I just say "That's ok" and move on!)

I did start working on the doors that need to be painted.  I think I have 13 at this point, and we still have 4 interior (I think) and 3 exterior doors to purchase.  I want to finish the ones I have in my possession since they all belong in "The Back Half" of the house, and that's my area for now:)

Here we go with a little bit of what I've done.  First of all, I learned how to remove a door knob!  There's a secret little slit that you stick your screwdriver in while pulling up on the knob.  Voila!  The knob comes off! 

Then I removed the screws,

and the latch that holds the door closed, and then it all comes apart!

Here's where the layers begin....I originally pictured myself just going from room to room slapping new paint on these doors right where they live. We had already decided to hold off on buying new hardware (budget. time.) so it seemed easy enough to just start painting. However, in the course of pulling up all the laminate flooring and tile our helper took all the doors off! That's ok. I can paint them anywhere. But then as I looked them over I decided that while they're all down I should sand them. So I took them all out to the patio. Of course when I started sanding I discovered how banged and dinged and mistreated they all were and felt that since I've gone this far I might as well go all the way and make them look the best I possibly can.  And I have to say it's kind of exciting to try to reinvent a smooth surface out of such damaged wood!

And while they're all down, shouldn't we just go ahead and remove the hinges now instead of risking damage and lots of clean up if we replace them later.  Sure!  (Another layer!)  So with a screwdriver and a lot of elbow grease, I got busy and removed a ton of hinges and striker plates.  I feel very grateful that I won't have to clean all these!
Here's a little footnote....I don't love my doors.  Really.  What I love are old doors.  With character!  Like these.  Aren't they lovely?   I drool.  (Photo from Rachel Grace @

I initially thought I would just replace all mine with some like this.  I hoped I could score at our local Habitat Restore but either they don't ever get good doors, or someone is beating me to them!  I've found some really nice old ones online - mostly in New England - for very reasonable prices.  Too bad I live so far from there.  In the meantime, I'm looking forward to making the most of the doors I have.

Next layer please.  Removing the rest of the molding since it will be replaced with a different style. 

And finally I have a pile of doors ready for paint.  Yippee!!  And the stuff laying on it's side?  Beadboard for a project involving a saw(!) that I hope to whip out by myself:)

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope to be able to show you a bunch of finished doors soon!